Piano Keys HN Help

Music Notes # Piano Keys HN, full online help

Learn to read music easily with COLOR NOTES

2a - 2 music notes with C - DO Color
Learn to read music online with color notes : it's free !

NEW ! Check the names of the
notes for each Musical Reading !

C G C G | G C G G | C G C C
G C G G | G G C C | G C G C
C G G G | G C C C | G C C C

FREE online for all devices ! French From 2 to 17 music notes, wiht A B C D E F G or DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI, 32 progressive Musical Readings with new music notes IN COLOR to learn to read music easily and quicky !

6a - 6 music notes with A - LA Color
Learn to read music online with color notes : it's free !

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music notes the fun way !

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Both for complete beginners or for people wanting to improve their reading music skill, a fully customizable professional music game, used by children, adults and music school, in the world wide. You can REALLY learn to read music notes and have fun at the same time !

Learn to read music notes the fun way !

Learn to read music notes the fun way !

Version number and free Newsletter

The current version is 1.03 (use the Help/About... menu to check it).

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Select the piano keys to learn: white, black for #, black forb

If the piano keyboard is completely new for you, play only with the white keys : click on the "No #" and" No b" buttons.

Run the game

To start the game, press the "Spacebar" key on your keyboard: Piano HN mixes the name of the notes:
- When the name is written in black, it isnot on the right piano key
- When the name is written in white it is on the right piano key

Move the note names on the good piano keys

When you move the mouse cursor on a note name, the name is underlined.

Click on a name you want to move from a bad place to a good place: the name stays underlined even when the mouse is no longer over it. Then click inside the colored square on the key where you want to move this underlined name:
- If you play with all the names of the notes, no location is empty and the two names exchanged their place
- If you do not play with all the notes, some locations are empties, when you move the name on an empty square, its previous location becomes empty

Black keys: # (sharps) andb (flats)

The notes of the scale (C D E F G A B) are separated by a tone, except between E and F, and between B and C, where there is a half tone. For this reason, there is no black key between E and F, nor between B and C. We suggest this short article on Wikipedia.

The # (sharp) raises a note by a half tone, theb lowers the note by a half tone. Knowing that music is rising from the grave to the treble, and therefore left to right on a piano keyboard, the # is the black key above the white key, the b the black key below the white key. For example, the D # is the black key to the right of the D key, D b the black key to the left of the D key.

The black keys are therefore used to play the # of the white key before them and the b of the white key after them. Thus, the C # and the D b use the same black key, the D # and the E b, the same black key, etc.

In the Piano Keys HN game, each black key displayes two squares, one for the # and one for the b: you can indiscriminately place the # or b on one or other of these two locations.

Score and HI-Score

  • If you only play with the white keys, each good key = 20 points.
  • If you only play with the # or with theb, each music key = 40 points.
  • If you play with the white keys and the #, or with the white keys and theb, each good key = 60 points.
  • If you play with the # and the b, but without the white keys, each good key = 80 points.
  • If you play with all the notes, each good key = 100 points.

But beware: each time you click on a key, you lose points! Lost points are lower than these earned by the good keys, but if you make bad keys (if you put the names of the notes in the wrong place), your score will suffer !

A Hi-Score and a music piano reward the ten best scores.

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